Saturday, May 06, 2006

6th of May 2006

Okay, let's make things clear once and for all..

The list of things I hate is people who bitch, nag, brag, Yanks, Niggers (Like Chris Rock himself said himself, these are not MY words "I love Black people, but man do I hate niggers!") check his stand up, my ass is covered on that! I hate jerks, I hate people with too much time on their hands to post senseless stuff on my blog. I hate Arabs simply because they suck, I hate people who don't know when to stop, I hate people pretending to be in my film school, If you have a problem with that or a problem with me, TOUGH!! If you want to bitch about this again, you have no life, if you want to post idiotic comments, you have no life either, I only need a second to delete them while you spend minutes typing and thinking about crap. I don't care what people think about me, I am as I am, I never pretend to be something or someone else, does that last sentence remind you of something? That's right maybe you are that way.

Don't get in my way, people who played with the devil always lost and got buried. If you keep abusing me, calling me for no reason, texting me, I will sue you. I am an American citizen I know my rights. If you're just here to make trouble, LEAVE!

Stay away from me, my blog or my projects if you do not care. Leave me be and get on with your own life instead. I don't need to hear lessons of life from preppie girls or rich uptown kids. Since I'm on that matter, I don't need to hear lessons from ugly people either.

If you think you can bring me down, you can really try, and I wish you luck. I know what my purpose in life is, do YOU? I know what my goal is, and my dreams are but do YOU? I ignore all the mainstream stuff that you throw at me, if you want to challenge me, become a philosopher. I do not mix in with people with no intelligence, if you have valid arguments about me or my work, be smart before saying anything dumb.


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