Friday, March 24, 2006

24th of March 2006

Fellow wolves,

Firstly I would like to thank all those who visit my website. Sorry about the lack of updates, but I have been very busy at film school. Thanks to all my friends who respect me and support me, don't know where I would be without you guys.

What has been going on lately? Well a lot and nothing at the same time. I am still editing the music video, I am happy with it, and it will be the Lone Wolf's version, release and edit. Getting into more shooting opportunities, and simply getting out to shoot near my place.

And in life? Well I fell into a reflecting mood once more and I like to question everything right now. Not that what I believed in changed though. I just miss intellectual debates big time, coz people often don't bring up good issues. I finally found the book I was looking for on Amazon, it's called "The ice people" written by Rene Barjavel, I am SO getting that over summer, it's one of the best books I've actually fully read.

Movie wise, I watched "A history of violence" which was ok, except it kind of just ends there, and you're left thinking "that's it?". Another movie I caught on TV last nite is "Pavilion of women", a 2001 movie with only 2 non asian actors as far as I saw. One of them Willem Dafoe, plays a British?? priest sent to China. It's one of those movies that shows life in China, in both a rich family and around the poor church just before the Japanese invaded. In my books, it still doesn't beat "Huozhe".

Started watching a new anime series called "Ergo Proxy", I know the synopsis looks like GiTS, but from the peek previews it looks different in a better way.

Had lots of exams lately as I said, kinda worried about two subjects even though one exam is still ahead. But should do ok nonetheless, the second term kinda caught me off guard, but I think I had enough stamina and spirit to get those A's.

Farewell and look after yourselves,
The Lone Wolf

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

7th of March 2006

Fellow wolves,

I am going through a thinking phase at the moment. I am getting swamped by assignments at the Film school. So I'm kind of locking myself in and just trying to study, but I do emphasize on the "trying".

Tim Horntons tried to rob me today of 5 dollars. I took my usual "meal" for 3 dollars and 6 cents. And I paid for it using 10 dollars, and only got 1.94 back. So I'm like "I kind of gave you a ten". Yeah she verified and gave me my 5 back.

What else..Oh yes, I edited a short piece of scenes we shot in the labs seeing we had nothing better to do, and there is more to come so I will wait a little bit before putting it all online.

My "revised" script for the "Forlorn Destinies" got a fully deserved 100% and therefore a straight A. And I got a comment from my friend Brian, that I really went to great length with the script for the short movie. Always good to hear.

And music wise, I got back into Silent Hill music, and also out of all bands Savage Garden. Kinda forgot those guys, but they had some good stuff. Anyway, I'd better run, audio test is tomorrow and I still haven't revised anything.

See you later,
The Lone Wolf

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